Marvel’s Fantastic Four Movie Is Now Officially Confirmed By MCU Spider-Man Director

Spider-Man Homecoming director Jon Watts has officially confirmed Marvel’s Fantastic Four.

For a very long time, the rights of Fantastic Four belonged to 20th Century Fox. They launched two separate live-action films based on Marvel Comics characters. Last year, Marvel regained the rights of Fantastic Four after a deal made by Disney.


The first Fantastic Four film was released back in 2005 when the fans were introduced to the live-action characters. The movie was a hit which made the 20th Century Fox make a sequel, “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer”. However, the sequel didn’t perform as expected. Fox tried to recreate a new version of Fantastic Four in 2015, which was sadly a disappointing movie.

Now, all the rights of Fantastic Four belong to Marvel and the project is also now officially confirmed. Job Watts will be the one to direct Marvel’s Fantastic Four. Jon Watts has worked on various Marvel’s projects like Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and will also direct Sony’s untitled Spider-Man 3. Marvel has also unveiled a logo for their Fantastic Four.

As of now, there is no confirmation of the cast of Marvel’s Fantastic Four. The production of the movie is yet to begin which means it won’t be released until 2022. Let’s see how Marvel’s version of Fantastic Four will be.

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6 thoughts on “Marvel’s Fantastic Four Movie Is Now Officially Confirmed By MCU Spider-Man Director

  1. I Think Dominic West as Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic & Annabelle Wallis as Susan Storm/The Invisible Woman In MCU Fantastic Four


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